Reeves Land Services
RLS specializes in providing land services for land/mineral owners and Oil & Gas Companies, independent and publicly traded, in any location.
About Us
Travis M. Reeves, President, has been involved in the land services industry since 2006 and formed Reeves Land Services, LLC (RLS) in 2013. RLS specializes in providing land services for land/mineral owners and Oil & Gas Companies, independent and publicly traded, in any location.
What We Offer
Lease and Mineral Take-off
Title Examination – Surface and Mineral
Division of Interest and Ownership
Locate Missing Mineral Owners
Seismic Permitting and Options
Industry Standards

Excellence in Standards
RLS recognizes and understands that it provides representation for the client in the field and so it prides itself on a work ethic based in honesty and integrity and the production of high-quality products. RLS performs all forms of land work associated with oil and gas exploration including title research, leasing and pipeline right of way acquisitions.
Travis M. Reeves, RPL
San Antonio, Texas 78230
Call Us
Cell: (713) 907-1939
Fax: (713) 583-1116