What We Offer
Lease and Mineral Take-off
Title Examination – Surface & Mineral
Division of Interest and Ownership
Locate Missing Mineral Owners
Seismic Permitting and Options
Oil & Gas Lease Acquisition
Negotiate Oil & Gas Leases for Oil Companies and Mineral Owners
Run Sheet and Abstract Preparation
Title Curative
Permitting, Pooling, and Unitization
Negotiate Surface Damages
Surface Site Acquisition
Right-of-Way and Easement Acquisition
Working Interest/Net Revenue Calculations
Due Diligence for Property Acquisition/Divestiture
Obtain Production History
Evaluation of Well Status
Contract Negotiations
Project and Asset Management
Texas Railroad Commission Research
Drilling and Production Research
General Land Office Research
Mineral and Royalty Acquisition
Estate Inventory

Our Mission
RLS is a passionate advocate for its clients and enjoys conquering the most complicated of projects. So, whether it be determining mineral ownership of a particularly “messy” tract, negotiating an oil and gas lease as a lessor or lessee, preparing a run sheet with a hard deadline or tracking down a litany of missing or unknown heirs, at RLS, the belief is we can conquer any task.
Here to Assist

Travis M. Reeves, RPL
San Antonio, Texas 78230
Call Us
Cell: (713) 907-1939
Fax: (713) 583-1116